Blog Awards = Fun!

I’ve been posting a weekly blog for just about 3 years now, and in that time, some REALLY cool people have given me some fun “awards”…

So welcome to my virtual trophy case! LOL

<– This award came from Vivi on Myspace.  It was the first time my blog was recognized. 🙂

The Zombie Chicken Award is still my favorite! 🙂  Michelle the True Book-Addict awarded it to me after posting so many scary short stories on my blog…


<–The Lovely Blog Award came from Ciara Knight who has a fabulous writer blog!                      

                                                                                                               And this is my coveted Blogophilia Champion leather jacket!  Blogophilia is an amazing group of bloggers who post topics each week and always inspire me.  We’ve been blogging together for just over 3 years now…  😀


Thanks to Bella Street and Casey Wyatt for awarding me the Irresistably Sweet Blog Award! 🙂 


Thanks so much for reading my blog!!!  I’m glad you keep coming back…

Lisa 🙂