Hey there –

I love the lore of Dragons, and I’ve always been intrigued because almost every culture has dragons in their legends and mythologies. This month I’m very excited to be teaming up with a few Dragonista authors for a FUN Blog Hop!!!! Check out the rafflecopter below to enter for my giveaways… J

And we’re not the only Dragonistas out there… Even Veronica Mars is coming out as a Dragonista and admitting her fondness for Dragons…


Also, watch the Dragonista Facebook page. We’ll be hosting a facebook party at the end of the month to announce the winners and the Grand Prize! J


When I was writing BEG ME TO SLAY, my heroine, Tegan was Welsh. While I was researching the welsh legends I thought I was looking for demons, since my hero, Gabe, was a demon slayer, but the more I researched, the more I discovered Welsh dragons. The red dragon is even on their national flag!

Her father, Maddock, has kept a secret family heirloom that documents a curse on their family line. The red dragon’s family line.

Here’s a peek inside the cover…

He stood and walked behind his desk. After opening and

closing the drawers in a certain succession, a concealed drawer

dropped from the bottom onto the floor.


Tegan squinted, struggling to see the contents. “What’s that?”


He scooped it up and laid it on top of the desk. “After you

were attacked, I talked to the doctors at the hospital. They

couldn’t explain the wound. They tried to tell me he stabbed you

and that the wound was cauterized with acid. It was the only way

they could explain it. You should have been bleeding.” He stared

at his desk. “But then I watched them change the dressing on the

wound, and I knew.”


Tegan scooted to the edge of the couch. “Knew what, Daddy?”


His dark eyes met hers. “Y ddraig goch. The red dragon. Ever

since he defeated the white dragon and saved our land, his people

have been hunted.”


“I was not attacked by a dragon.” But she wasn’t ready to tell

him it was a demon, either.


He waved her contradiction away. “He would not look like a

dragon in our world.”


She frowned as he handed her a worn leather book filled

with faded Welsh Gaelic scribblings. Years ago he’d taught her his

language, but without anyone to practice with, she was rusty. It

looked like names and dates mostly.


“That’s our family ledger, Tegan. You weren’t the first to bear

the mark.” He swallowed and cleared his throat. “Just the first to

live through it.”


“The mark?” She closed the book. “What are you talking



“You weren’t stabbed. You were bitten.” His eyes welled with

tears. “I was so grateful you were spared. I’d hoped it was over.

But tonight, when yer ‘friend’ showed me a Welsh dagger with ‘Y

Ddraig Goch ddyry gychwyn‘ carved into the blade…” He shook

his head slowly. “He’s more than he seems, that one. Anyway, it

was time. I wanted to tell you. Everything.”


Tegan’s heart pounded. “Why didn’t you say something



“Would you have believed me?” He stared at the ledger.


“All this time I thought I was crazy.”


“I’m sorry.” He rubbed his wrinkled brow. “I had no one I

could turn to, and when days, weeks, months passed…” His gaze

met hers. “I started to believe the doctors were right. I was foolish

for believing the old stories.”


He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, holding back

any stray tears. “I have no idea how you escaped, but there might

be something in the ledger that could help.”


Tegan pressed her lips together. If she leveled with him about

Gabe, it might ease his worry, but it could also ruin the peace for

her mother.


“Does Mom know about any of this?”


“Yer mother isn’t of Welsh blood. Dragons and demons are

fairy tales for her. I thought it best they stay that way.” He paused

and glanced at the door. “I want you to take the ledger and show

it to yer friend. He believes more than you realize. He carries a

dragon dagger in his coat.”


“Gabe hunts and kills demons, Dad.” Tegan sighed. “I can’t

believe I’m telling you this.” She clutched the ledger to her chest

and looked at her dad again. “I told him it would worry you and

Mom if you found out I hired a private eye.”


He leaned back in his chair. “The hand-holding, that kiss, was

all for show?”


She nodded. “Yes, but please don’t let Mom in on it. She hasn’t

looked this happy since before the attack.”


“Why do you think I brought you inside, eh?” He smiled, and

the knot in her stomach loosened.


They walked back toward the party. “You tell Gabe something

for me…”


“Sure, Daddy.” She looked up at him. “What?”


“Tell him to kill that dragon.”


You can find BEG ME TO SLAY here:



Thanks for coming by… And tell me something…. Are you a Dragonista? J Let me know in the comments and tell a friend!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to HOP through and meet all the rest of the Dragonista authors and enter to win prizes and books!

Lisa J



  1. Mary McCoy September 29, 2014 at 1:20 pm

    Nid aur yw popeth melyn. And some dragons prefer family to cold treasure.

  2. Mary McCoy September 29, 2014 at 1:21 pm

    And yes, I am a dragonista!

  3. Rhianna Walker September 29, 2014 at 2:19 pm

    I am most definitely a dragonista. Some of my favorite things are dragons. 🙂