Hi everyone!

It’s almost midnight here at the Denver airport. So far I have learned that the people mover escalator walkways run all night even with no one in the airport. It’s the only sound I hear right now.

This is my first time ever trapped in an airport overnight.

I’m on my way to Daytona Beach for the COASTAL MAGIC CONVENTION. It’s one of my favorite reader cons around. I left my house in San Diego at 10am… 12 long hours ago… and so far I’ve made it to Denver.

If we’re friends on social media, then you know what weather wimps we are in San Diego. Well, this morning we had….Fog! *dun dun dun*

Yes, fog, and it made ALL the Southwest flights super late.

So my flight, would never make the connecting flight to Orlando. We waited in the ticketing line for over an hour with hundreds of travels buddies. They finally figured out they could get us to Jacksonville instead of Orlando and we’d drive in to Daytona Beach from there.

I’d have to switch my rental car around, but it seemed like it would work, we just needed to make the connecting flight in Denver. We all stampeded onto the plane and…sat on the runway for 45 minutes because there was icy fog in Denver so no planes could land! LOL Yikes!

So here we are. We got to Denver an hour after our flight to Jacksonville left. *sad face*

But on the flip side, I did get to try Facebook Live videos for the first time! 😀 You can see them here:



The good news is, we’re flying into Orlando in the morning and I’ll still get to Daytona Beach in time for the convention tomorrow night… The bad news?

My luggage has gone on a national tour without me.

Apparently, when we landed in Denver and missed our flight, our luggage hopped off the plane and hustled onto another plane to go to Nashville and then Jacksonville. *fizzle* So they’re trying to track it down and send it to Orlando in the morning. There is a chance it’ll get to Orlando before me! LOL

I laugh now, I’ll be crying if they lost my clothes and books! 😛

Anyway, I’ve written a bunch on New Moon and may end up finishing the book while I’m trapped in the Denver airport….

Where does book research come in?

Someday you’re going to read a book from me where the hero and heroine meet while trapped in an airport overnight, and when you do?

You can say you remember when Lisa researched that book! LOL

So anyway, hopefully me and my luggage will be at the Coastal Magic Con tomorrow…. Exhausted, but reunited.

I hope!

Back to my airport slumber party!

Lisa J


  1. E.L. F. February 1, 2017 at 10:17 pm

    Wow! Sounds like quite an adventure! Stay safe and good luck with your travels. Hope you have fun (and that your luggage catches up with you, lol).

    1. Lisa Kessler March 17, 2017 at 11:25 am

      Thanks! It did, or we caught up with it! 🙂 The luggage beat us to Orlando! LOL

  2. Margaret Appel February 1, 2017 at 10:23 pm

    Have a wonderful time in Daytona! Wish I was there! But it’s a wonderful town, I grew up there. Stay safe, stay sane, & may your luggage meet you again 🙂

    1. Lisa Kessler March 17, 2017 at 11:24 am

      We had a great time, and our luggage beat us to Orlando! LOL 😀

  3. Penny Ramirez February 2, 2017 at 12:57 pm

    Wow – sure hope you reconnect with your luggage! Have a fantastic conference.

    1. Lisa Kessler March 17, 2017 at 11:24 am

      Our luggage ended up beating us to Orlando! LOL Everything turned out okay in the end… Shew! 🙂

  4. Bobbie Brooks February 2, 2017 at 8:03 pm

    Sorry to hear your stuck at the airport, hope all goes well be safe.

    1. Lisa Kessler March 17, 2017 at 11:23 am

      It all ended up being okay…. Very weird night though! 🙂